We ran for the 2023 - 2025 NPC because we believe that DSA is the tool we need to win socialism in the United States, to fight imperialism across the world, and to liberate our class from climate annihilation. We are committing to continuing the fight for socialism for the long haul, and that means building and investing in DSA: by developing our chapters, growing our membership, and picking winning fights with the boss. 

Our labor work and our electoral work are the twin engines of our power as workers, and our aim is to develop campaigns that more deeply coordinate our labor and electoral work across issues-based campaigns, whether it’s housing justice, green new deal, Medicare for all, trans rights, abolition, abortion access, or any other transformation that socialists will need to fight for in the transition to a new world.

¡Si se puede!

🪴 Rose DuBois Maine DSA, Frances Gill DSA-LA, Ashik Siddique At-Large, Cara Tobe Louisville DSA